Universal Design for Learning
Week 7
Sixth Assignment due Tuesday, March 25 by 4 p.m.
Workshop 1: Who advocates for equal access?
United States Department of Labor celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 featuring Helen Keller and Justin Dart, Jr.
Americans with Disabilities Act : Universal Designs
Helen Keller and Justin Dart, Jr. lived political lives
fighting racial discrimination,
seeking equal rights for all citizens
and defending those in need.
Read the wikipedia section explaining Helen Keller's Career, writing, and political activities.
Helen Keller, Social Activist, Defender of the Needy
1. LIST four social justice movements Helen Keller supported during her lifetime that you were not aware of till this assignment.
2. In school were you taught about Keller's life-long political activism?
If not, what did you learn about her?
Not for the assignment, but if you are interested in learning more information, link to Helen Keller Biography page
Read Background, Activism, Road to Freedom parts 1+2 on the wiki page to learn about Justin Dart, Jr.'s political activism.
Justin Dart, Jr. Social Activist, Force for the Disabled
3. Justin Dart, Jr. chose to advocate for disadvantaged people after he contracted polio as a teen ager.
What did you discover he accomplished in his life? Please list what you learn.
In classes, did you learn about Mr. Dart and his life's work on behalf of people?
4. How would YOU define fair?
After writing your definition of fair, use Visual Thesaurus: FAIR defined to view their definitions and answer question #5.
- Type fair in the box, click LOOK IT UP.
- Listen to the voice.
- Look at the parts of speech defined on the right side.
- Put your mouse on the colored dots in the web. These colors match the parts of speech.
5. Which of these definitions is closest to or the same as your definition?
6. Why would you use or show someone how to use the Visual Thesaurus?
How might this resource assist their or your learning?
New illustration of UDL plannint for learning
View 55:50 - 1:01:05 Fairness Video
F.A.T. (Frustration, Anxiety, Tension) CITY workshop
7. AFTER viewing the video, how do you think equity is different from equality when students are learning in classrooms?
Workshop 3 Learning Dis-Abilities or Different Learning Abilities?
View ALL 3 videos before answering question 8.
Temple Grandin A Scientist Understands Animals
What it Feels Like to Be Autistic
A LEGO Shuttle Got To Space Raul Oaida Launches LEGOs (NPR's Science Friday).
8. After viewing all 3 videos, analyze and describe in two paragraphs, one for each person, how Dr. Grandin and Raul Oiada's used Montessori's Principles to achieve their goals.
- Point of Interest
- Self Correcting Feedback
- Constant Learning
Big Idea Closer Multimodal learning assists differentiating instruction
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION acknowledges and appreciates differences in students'
- varied academic abilities
- personalities
- interests
- background knowledge and experiences
- motivations for learning
High school teachers using iPads change instruction to make learning interesting, multimodal, different AND to assist students collaborating to learn together.
View video before answering question 9.
Differentiated instruction with technology
9. Identify and describe three learning experiences you saw students doing in different classes and explain how teachers used the iPads for multimodal learning.
10. List ALL of the multiple modes you see students engaged in for learning in the three experiences you describe.
Interpersonal (international: between peoples)
Intrapersonal (intravenous: in one person)
Resources for Additional Learning, NOT part of the assignment
Raul Oaida build more!
Zona Roberts, Grandmother of the Disability Movement
Ed Roberts
Helen Keller
Helen Keller's new biography explains her political view and her stances fighting povery and racism
Helen Keller is much more innovative and risk taking than we know!
Universal Design for Learning requires
Multiple Means of Representation - students use different ways to access information
Multiple Means of Action and Expression - students use multiple modes of learning to show knowledge and express themselves
Multiple Means of Engagement - students have voice and choice about how they want to do something
(CAST, Inc. 2017)
TEAMS classes and assignments include Multiple Modes of learning and Montessori's principles to support Universal Design for Learning:
Multiple Modes of Learning
Montessori Principles
- Point of Interest - something draws the interest of the learner to an experience
- Self Correcting Feedback - self-correcting is built into the experience
- Constant Learning - repetition of play gains new knowledge, skills, understanding
Equality vs. Equity Image
Question: Can you think of innovations or technologies developed by or for people with disabilities that has helped all of us?
Audiobooks, ramps, voice texting and voice dictating, elevators, back up cameras in cars
Chy Johnson is an example of what occurs when a group in a school includes students with special abilities in the social mainstream of school life.
If you were an administrator at a school, what might you make part of the school to assist special ability students to be part of the daily social life?
Technologies for Supporting Students with Learning Challenges
Text Summarizers
- Try a Text Summarizer with One of Your Reading Assignments
Text to Speech Tools
Read typed sentences using different voices and speeds
Use the Speak Text-to-Speech Feature to Read Text Aloud
The Best Text to Speech Software 2018
Best Free Speech to Text Software for Windows
Technology assists differentiation of learning with a computer or tablet or smartphone enabling:
reading aloud text
highlighting text
including a dictionary while students read
adding sticky notes to text wherever students put them
dictating notes that appear as text
Through Performance, Mississippi Students Honor Long-Forgotten Locals NPR's 50 Great Teachers 2015
"I'm always looking for females," says Yarborough, "because females want to research females often. If that helps the student get into that, I want that."
He's looking for stones with interesting carvings, clues about the people buried underneath. And each year, he draws up a fresh list of names. No repeats.
Our first assignment in TEAMS featured a history teacher, Ken Yarborough, at Mississippi's High School of Science and Mathematics who designed a year long investigation with a creative final project performed in the graveyard to represent a person long dead talking about their lives and their time in history.
To differentiate this learning assignment, he asks students to CHOOSE a character. Then they begin writing, researching, acting, rehearsing, assisting each other's performances in June. Students are continuously making and fixing mistakes, gaining skills and confidence, and learning through multiple modes.
Multiple Modes of Learning
connects different ideas to each other to understand concepts
solves puzzles and seeks answers to puzzles
experiments, revises, tries again
asks questions seeking to understand more
self-directs own learning
sets personal goals and tries to achieve them
thinks or perceives intuitively
reflects introspectively to make change in oneself
learns and plays in and enjoys being outdoors
interested in and recognizes differences and similarities in plants, animals, science, weather, cycles in nature
is conscious and aware of how natural patterns change
is interested in learning and using words and knowing the power of words,
seeks to enlarge vocabulary and to learn other languages
reads, writes, debates, argues, revises and critiques
playing sports, one sees angles, trajectories, space and calculates speed and movement
learns from pictures, photos, maps, drawings, architectural plans
recognizes natural and architectural shapes and patterns, sizes and scale, recognizes mathematical aspects of what is seen
designs, draws, paints, perceives information through artistic and aesthetic qualities
enjoys moving, dancing, playing sports, acting, builng, constructing
engages in role plays, simulations, practices
seeks activities where movement and coordination influence learning
listens to and recognizes different tones, rhythms and voices
thinks in sounds, composes, seeks audio resources
sings, orates, acts and creates music
perceives and responds empathetically and sympathetically to others
is socially aware, utilizes leadership behaviors, is inclusive of others
participates in groups and facilitates communications
MISTAKES are ESSENTIAL to YOUR and MY learning, building growth mindsets and increasing self-confidence.
Microsoft Immersive Reader
Learn about and try Immersive Reader with a reading assignment that you have to do for a class this week.
6. What are the features of this tool that you find facilitate your learning?
Try a Text Summarizer as a tool for your use or for someone you are tutoring.
7. How might this tool be helpful to someone who is not able to read easily and fluently yet?
Universal Design for Learning spring 2021 (1).docx
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