
Multiple modes, mindsets and mistakes class

Page history last edited by Robert W. Maloy 3 weeks, 5 days ago





 Multiple Modes of Learning, Mindsets and Mistakes


Week 2


 First assignment due Tuesday, February 11 by p.m.



  Workshop 1    Mindsets direct our EFFORTS and EXPECTATIONS


Image on WikimedCommons by Jd546 


 John Legend, Professional Composer & Vocalist 



 1. LIST ALL ACTIONS John Legend made in 6 years to accomplish his goal of getting a recording contract.


 2. Describe how HIS BELIEFS about failure, effort, and talent inform achieving goals.







 Read about Growth and Fixed Mindsets 


Growth Mindsets believe learning success is always possible with




























Fixed mindsets believe learning success is not possible because



I'm not good at it. . .


learning languages
coding, computer science
playing an instrument
dancing, singing, acting

speaking in groups
taking tests


and I can't change.




3. Do YOU believe YOU are "good at" learning some things but "not good at learning" other things?

    Explain why you believe this. Talk about yourself, not people in general. 


4. What resources or tools might help YOU learn something difficult or something you are "not good at" learning?





5. Describe a teacher or coach (in elementary, middle or high school) who communicated a belief that everyone could learn the content or skill.

   What did the teacher/coach DO and SAY to create confidence in you and other students about successful learning for all?



6. Describe a teacher or coach (in elementary, middle or high school) who communicated a belief that NOT everyone could learn the content or skill. 

   What did the teacher/coach DO and SAY to create NO confidence in you and other students about successful learning for all?





Workshop 2      Multiple Modes of Learning TEACH Juggling



If juggling is not physically easy to do, we'll make different plans.  


 RECORD your practice TIMES as self-tutoring hours.




 These videos are our TUTORS.  


How to Juggle w/Jack Kalvan 

0:00- 2:25 1 ball 

 2:27 - 2:57 2 balls  

3:35- 4:40 balls 



Taylor Tries

0:00- 3:35 1 ball  

 3:40- 5:40 2 balls  

5:49- 9:38 3 balls  

9:40- 12:30 further tutoring & problem solving


Niels Duinker

0:00- 2:15 1 ball   

2:15-4:46 2 balls 

4:50-7:26 3 balls


7. Learning to Juggle


  • Which multiple modes of learning did you use while practicing to learn to juggle?  

        (See the description below under photo of jugglers)


  • What were your strategies for your practicing and how did they help you? 

        Did you practice every day?


  • What frustrations did you experience? 


  • What successes did you experience? 


  • Was one of the videos more helpful to you as a learner?  Who was the coach and how did they help you?


BRING TO CLASS next Tuesday socks or balls for juggling.







Workshop 3     Utilize Mistakes - Don't Prevent Them



U.S. first graders and Japanese first graders acquire their beliefs about struggle and mistakes from adults and teachers.







8. How is making mistakes while learning viewed by (EASTERN hemisphere) Japanese teachers and students?

   How is making mistakes while learning viewed by (WESTERN hemisphere) United States teachers and students?



9. Contrast how Japanese and U. S. first graders respond when solving unknown math problems. What did each group do?


Hong Kong's Symphony of Lights fireworks/ Kroot.  Mistakes created fireworksClick the link to learn how if you are curious!




10. Choose 1 of these 4 products to investigate how it became what it is.


Silly String  Play-Doh  Electronic Ink  Super Soaker 



 First, describe how YOU THINK it was created.


Second, click the link below to learn how it became what it is.


Party in a can: the story of Silly String










Electronic Ink/the Kindle 


https://theworld.org/stories/2016-05-18/how-kindles-e-ink-system-works Open link if you want to know more. This is not required.

 photo by Brendan McDermid/Reuters



Super Soaker 




Open link if you want to know more. This is not required.


11. Was the product you chose created by mistake or because of the creators' growth mindset or BOTH?

Explain your thoughts.


Big Idea Closer   HOW Do Kids INVENT? 


In 1963, 6-year-old Robert Patch was granted a patent for a toy truck

Read how he was and still is the youngest person to receive a U.S. Patent



 Read: The 14 Coolest Things Invented by Kids



12. What invention and which young inventor surprised you the most? Why?















NOT PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT  Resources for Additional Learning


Make sock balls!  Add weight w/golf balls inside, fold 1 or 2 socks together! Or use rice as weight!









pgs. 6, 7, 8 





Black: Yoyo Master



The Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show

00:00 -1:21   1, 2, 3 balls  




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mC_-iElZ5U 3 Easy to learn yoyo tricks



 Resource: Expose Talented Kids from Low-Income Families to Inventors and They're More Likely to Invent


Students in school are often asked to solve puzzles, answer questions, figure out connections by themselves. But many students when working alone find they do not immediately see the answers to problems or the connections between academic materials.


They begin to think of themselves as being not good at different learning or they think of themselves as a failure at learning a topic.


They adopt fixed mindsets "I can't do this . . . ."  They become disengaged, discouraged, defeated and ashamed.  


Supportive Tutors/Coaches/Mentors Use Mistakes As Teaching Tools


  • Tutors have an essential role helping students solve the puzzles they encounter in all academic subjects to make growth mindsets.


  • By solving puzzles students see themselves successfully achieving academically; achieving strengthen their beliefs that they can and increases their motivation to continue to do so.


  • Tutors must use multiple strategies to help students/no one strategy fits every learner


  • Coaching is necessary to inspire and empower learners.


  • You can adopt multiple personalities to support student learners:


HUMOR is a significant learning/teaching tool. 


Tutors/Coaches/Mentors Use Mistakes as Teaching Tools.  Mistakes show learning and give direction for next steps.






Power of Wonder chart from Research for Better Teaching




  • Visit Sample Fraction Problems from Usable Math and ask students how they would help a student solve this puzzle


  • Show the coaches and their different approaches


  • The coaches are tutors!





  TUTORING SCENARIO: Which of these resources would best help you learn about the age of the Earth and why?


MUSIC Video and Song

Eric Idle of Monty Python's Comedy Group sings a musical walk back in time, Galaxy Song

Galaxy Song lyrics



Circle GRAPH History of the Earth in a 24-hour Clock from the website, Flowing Data.



VIDEO.   Evolution of Life on Earth


Who do you know, a friend or family member, who would find one or the other interesting.

Which of them intrigues you and helps you learn this concept and history?






Multiple Modes of Learning


moving, dancing, playing sports and instruments, acting, building, constructing & fixing things, activities where movement and coordination influence learning



perceives and responds empathetically and sympathetically
is socially aware, utilizes leadership behaviors, is inclusive of others



reads, writes, debates, argues, revises and critiques, curious about words and learning languages 



connects different ideas to each other, learns to understand concepts, solve puzzles, sees math in all daily activities



learns, plays or works outdoors
recognizes differences and similarities in plants, animals, science, weather, cycles in nature


self-directs own learning/ sets personal goals and works to achieve them
thinks and reflects in order change behaviors or responses


Visual Spatial
utilizes space and recognizes concepts of math and physics while watching or playing sports or dancing or moving

creates, designs, draws, paints, crafts, makes comics/ videos/ animations, creates with blocks, sews

analyzes and learns from pictures, photos, maps, drawings, graphs


hears and recognizes tones, rhythms, cadences and voices, recognizes rhythms in sports, weaving, dance, sings, broadcasts, acts and creates music, mashes melodies and beats



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