Hear AND Read 60 years after Brown vs. Board of Education, America's schools remain segregated. Reported NPR 0517/14.
Hear the podcast while reading the transcript to hear students read the 6-word sentences they wrote.
6. Did you know any of the information from the podcast about resegregation by school districts and courts? Explain what you learned hearing the podcast.
Hear and Read Hear the podcast while reading the transcript to listen to three generations of the Dent family explaining the history they have lived. Reported NPR 04/18/14. Interview Transcript
8. To compose a six word sentence for the Race Card Project, what six words would you write?
9. Of the students interviewed for 'Six Words: 'Segregation Should Not Determine Our Future' whose words made the most profound impression on you? Why?
10. What is bright flight?
What is white flight?
11. Did you know either of these terms before hearing the podcast?
With white flight and bright flight from a community, who REMAINS in the community?
View short video.
REDLINING's LEGACY: MAPS are gone, but the problem hasn't disappeared.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzQyKwsVWME
12. What is redlining?
How does it limit people's choices of housing and affect who attends a community's public schools?
Workshop Links for 1-2 -3 TIME in class:
Asian American/Pacific Islander
Latinx/Latine History: National Hispanic Heritage Month Digital Choice Board
Native American History: American Indian and Alaska Native Digital Choice Board
Women’s History: Women in Sports Herstories Choice Board
African American History: Black Lives Matter Choice Board
LGBTQ+ History: LGBTQIA+ Histories & Pride Month Digital Choice Board
African American History RACIAL JUSTICE AND BLACK LIVES MATTER: eBook Learning Pathway
Women's History Women’s History and Herstory: eBook Learning Pathway
Latinx History Mexican Immigration to the United States
The Latino Civil Rights Movement
National Hispanic Heritage Month Digital Choice Board
Native American History Pocahontas and the Jamestown Colony
American Indian and Alaska Native Digital Choice Board
Youth Activists and Change Makers Digital Choice Board
Civil Rights Transportation Protests Digital Choice Board
Adam Ruins Everything Redlining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETR9qrVS17g
Internet Access -- Who Has It? Who Doesn't?
Internet Access -- Who has it?
What is neighborhood busting? How does it affect people's choices of housing and affect who has choices? Making a Highway to Nowhere -- Who Has No Vote in the Initiative?
MAP: Minimum Wage Around the World
In pairs, one person consults the living wage calculator and the other the income calculator. See what you learn and share the results with the other person.
Living Wage Calculator from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Wealth Inequality in America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM
First Computers at Harvard
https://www.kanopy.com/en/umass Race: The Power of An Illusion
Tales of Two Schools on Long Island
Housing and Educational Inequality: The Case of Long Island
Dr. Robert Moses and Fannie Lou Hamer at the Democratic National Convention 1964 https://www.kanopy.com/en/umass/video/226093
Choose one of the following wiki pages and sketch note its diverse history information.
In the video AGE 21 in AMERICA, we see the students we met in AGE 7 in AMERICA.
Short segments of this video show what has occurred for Louis and for Eric, both children with big dreams at age 7. One poor, one wealthy, their determination to achieve their goals supported and propelled each of them in very different circumstances.
Heping students believe they can learn everything and anything with the right beliefs, right tools, right words produce SUCCESSFUL LEARNING which builds a GROWTH MINDSET.
A GROWTH MINDSET is why we hear Louis say confidently, as he is sure he will, , "When I make my first million . . . ." . I believe he will.
Class Opener: What types of schools did you attend as a K-12 student? |
Begin by reading the types of schools in the United States listed here (The Ultimate Guide to 13 Different Types of Schools Across America, Rasmussen College briefly describes some of these.)
Back to School Statistics 2020, National Center for Education Statistics is where we found this information and projections.
Teacher Shortages
Teacher Shortage is 'Real and Growing, and Worse Than We Thought' NEA Today (April 3, 2019)
QUIZ: Shortage is Bigger Problem Than Thought
Teacher Shortages: What We Know, Education Commission of the States (May 2016)
Undergraduate PostSecondary Enrollment to Fall 2024
Understanding Teacher Shortages, Interactive Maps from Learning Policy Institute (September 2016)
2016 Map: Graduation Rates by State, Student Group
Public school systems will employ about 3.2 million full-time-equivalent (FTE) teachers in fall 2018, such that the number of pupils per FTE teacher—that is, the pupil/teacher ratio—will be 16.0.
This ratio has remained consistent at around 16.0 since 2010.
A projected 0.5 million FTE teachers will be working in private schools this fall, resulting in an estimated pupil/teacher ratio of 12.3, which is similar to the 2017 ratio of 12.2, but lower than the 2010 ratio of 13.0
There is and will be a shortage of teachers.
Teacher Shortage is 'Real and Growing, and Worse Than We Thought' NEA Today (April 3, 2019)
Take this Quiz (Answers at the bottom of the page)
1. True or False: U.S. classrooms are becoming more racially and ethnically diverse
2. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, 53.1 million students were enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade in 2018. How does that compare to enrollment in 2011?
Enrollment in 2018 was about 600,000 students fewer than in 2011
Enrollment in 2018 was about 1 million students fewer than in 2011
Enrollment in 2018 was about 550,00 students greater than in 2011
Enrollment in 2018 was about 1.2 million students greater than in 2011
3. About what percentage of day-to-day public school expenditures are used for classroom instruction? For purposes of this question, classroom instruction is defined as activities dealing with the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom or other learning situations, and it includes teacher salaries.
40 percent
50 percent
60 percent
70 percent
4. What percentage of people in the U.S. speak a language other than English at home?
17 percent
22 percent
29 percent
35 percent
5. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, how big was the gap in average yearly salary between someone with a bachelor's degree and someone with a high school diploma or GED in 2017?
6. Which group has a higher percentage of adults ages 18 to 34 with a bachelor's or graduate degree?
7. Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau counts everyone who lives in the United States. This decennial census, including its count of children, impacts how federal funds are allocated each year for which school service or program?
Special education
Classroom technology
School lunch assistance
Teacher training
All of the above
8. What is the Census Bureau's estimate for the number of children under 10 years old who were not counted in the 2010 Census?
1 million
1.5 million
2 million
Answers to the Quiz
1. True
2. 600,000 fewer students
3. 60%
4. 22%
5. 30,000
6. Women
7. All of the above
8. 1.5 million
(The map is based on the book Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America. William Frey, 2018).
Race and Racism fall 2020.docx
ADAM RUINS EVERYTHING: The Disturbing History of the Suburbs
7. LIST four facts from the video that you would teach someone else who does not know about REDLINING.
Redlining and Housing Segregation Against African Americans
Picture yourself as a diverse student in a school.
Consider how learning about historical contributions of people in your culture or your historical group or your identification as a member of the LBGTQIA+ community might assist your learning.
Culturally relevant curriculum--something we learned about in California's FAIR Education Act--created to include information and facts about LGBTQIA+ contributors, minority groups and women--that makes history inclusive, assists diverse students to achieve academically, graduate from high school and not drop out before they graduate.
"In honor of Native American Heritage Month in the U.S., today’s interactive Doodle—illustrated by Zuni Pueblo guest artist Mallery Quetawki—celebrates Zuni (A:shiwi) Native American fiber artist, weaver, and potter the late We:wa. As a Łamana (thah-mah-nah), the late We:wa was a revered cultural leader and mediator within the Zuni tribe, devoting their life to the preservation of Zuni traditions and history." -- GoogleDoodles 11/01/21
Google doodle celebrates the life of the renowned We-Wa
14. Have you heard information about We-Wa's life in a history class or through social media, print resources or television?
15. How might including information about the diversity of United States society, the history of redlining, and the achievements of unknown or lesser known individuals like We-Wa, change the educational curriculum and learning experiences of students in elementary, middle and high schools?
Inuit School Children Invent a Number System
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