
LGBTQIA Virtual Class

Page history last edited by Robert W. Maloy 3 weeks, 1 day ago


  LGBTQIA+ Histories, Inclusive Language, Safe Schools & Classrooms


 Week 11


Tenth Assignment due Tuesday, April 22 by 4 p.m.






Class Opener Who invented/created/designed the Rainbow Flag? 


 Rainbow Flag

1. Before learning its history, why do you think the Gay Pride flag is a rainbow?



In TEAMS Week 1 assignment we asked everyone,  

"Have you thought about inventing something new or changing something?"


Everything we see, purchase, use is a HUMAN creation of someone's idea(s).


Most of us do not know who created the flag, when or why. Here's the story of its history and creator. 




Brief video needs 30-60 seconds to appear on screen.  WAIT FOR IT TO OPEN.




 or listen to hear the voice of Gilbert Baker in this NPR short audio.




2. Bullet list 6 facts you learned from viewing the video AND reading the interview, or hearing Gilbert Baker speak, about the RAINBOW FLAG he designed.



Workshop 1: Impacts of Bullying and Anti-LGBTQIA Bias


3. WHAT information in THE LIST BELOW from the 2021 Survey reminds you of what did or might have occurred to kids in your high school?


Information from the 2021 Executive Report National School Climate Survey with data and infographics -- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THE SURVEY, ONLY THE ITEMS LISTED HERE:


  • 97% of students heard "gay" used in a negative way at school; 93.7% reported feeling distressed by the use of that language.


  • 58% reported hearing homophobic remarks from teachers or other school staff;


  • 72% reported hearing negative remarks about their gender expression from teachers or other school staff.


  • 32.2% missed at least one day of school in the past month because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable at school.


  •  76.1% experienced in-person verbal harassment 


  • 31.2% were physically harassed (e.g., pushed or shoved) in the past year based on based on their sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender 


  • Students who experienced higher levels of victimization in school because of sexual orientation or gender expression were more than twice as likely to report they did not intend to pursue post-secondary education.




external image Polybooks.png  Hostile Hallways: Sexual Harassment

READ four recommendations under 'What can be done' at the end of this article.


Please go directly to the bottom of the page to those 4 points if you find the information prior to the recommendations sensitive to read.


4Rewrite in kid friendly language THE FOUR RECOMMENDATIONS in Hostile Hallways: Sexual Harassment.


How would YOU explain to middle and high school students these ideas to stop sexual harassment and provide a safe school environment?

5. Were any of these FOUR recommendations publicly stated in schools you attended before college?




external image Polybooks.png  Read underneath the video FAIR EDUCATION ACT FAQs


 View video to learn about California's FAIR Education Act

The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act,


Senate Bill 48 in California, updates prior laws requiring representation in public school learning resources of diverse populations' contributions to the development of the United States and the state of California. “Pacific Islanders, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, and persons with disabilities” are included in this bill.

6. Compose a haiku or a tweet that clearly and briefly explains the purpose of California's FAIR Education Act that we learn about in the video.

You do not need to post the tweet.

7. In a sentence or two, summarize the information in 'What Does the Law Say, Exactly?

 (Scroll below the video to FAIR Education Act FAQs.) 




Workshop 2: How Do We Make A Person's Accomplishments KNOWN?





In TEAMS Whose History/Whose Science class, we learned of WOMEN who MADE THE FUTURE

are not mentioned in math, science, history, English, engineering, medicine, art and STEM textbooks or classes for K-12 students.


LACK of knowledge about people in the LGBTQIA community, people who shaped history! Their names and accomplishments ought to be known by everyone.





A Canva comic created by former TEAMS site coordinator, Tyler Volpe-Knock, introduces Barbara Gittings, known as the Mother of Gay Rights.




Create/design a Canva poster, compose poems with pictures, make a comic or a Frayer Model or something else you choose THAT IS NEW TO YOU. If you have hand drawn other posters, use an online tool.


We will add your creation to pages in Bob's history wiki and credit you ad the designer.

Log the time designing and making your information as self-tutoring OR tutoring others hours, whichever category you wish.


8. Select ONE PERSON from the live links below for your creative design project.

   Describe 6 aspects of the person's life accomplishments. Insert your design into your learning log or email it.


Bayard Rustin


Langston Hughes


Alan Turing


Sally Ride


Harvey Milk


Babe Didrikson Zaharias


Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera




Big Idea Closer  ALL people contribute ideas, inventions and information to our lives 


Women are athletes, scientists, inventors, researchers, explorers, creators and society changers and we should know their names and contributions to our lives.


LGBTQIA people are athletes, scientists, inventors, researchers, explorers, creators and society changers and we should know their names and contributions to our lives.



9. Where in your social media, readings, viewings, podcasts or streaming services, movies, TV, do you find information and resources that inform you about LGBTQIA individuals making new inventions, working in politics, designing, composing, creating and influencing our world today and in the future?










NOT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT Resources for Additional Learning 


March Madness Rotations Ticket


In Draft: LGBTQIA+ Histories & Pride Month Digital Choice Board



Harvey Milk resources




For Bob's Workshop

 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

 Rights of Transgender and NonBinary Students at School









How Many Adults and Youth Identify as Transgender in the United States? UCLA School of Law Williams Institute, June 2022









View, Analyze and Evaluate Public Service Announcements--PSAs



Public Service Announcements (PSAs)ORIGINALLY CREATED for use before and during WWII in the U.S. and the U.K.teach people! 

 USING humor or empathy PSAS connect VIEWERS to someone's feelings to understand a situation through OTHERS' eyes


PSAs are a way to  have students discuss roles and the possible choices when they are bullied or when they see others being bullied.


Choose 4 from these 8 to view and rank (EVALUATE) each one according to the criteria below. 


Explain your reasons for the ranking (evaluation).


As a teacher, tutor, leader:


  • I would show this video to students because I think it will influence more inclusive, respectful behavior (A)


  • I might show this video to students because I think it could influence more inclusive, respectful behavior (B)


  • I would not show this video to students because I think it will not influence more inclusive, respectful behavior (C OR BELOW)


Create a chart or a display of information about the four videos you view: create this by hand or using any app or online device. Make the chart or display easy to understand your rankings of these videos and add comments explaining your reasons for your choices.


Your design will give you information about how you might ask students to design a chart or display if you did this ranking activity as a class experience.


It's Not Acceptable


Middle Schoolers Win International Award with Anti-Bullying Video


Bullying Jr: Burger King's Anti-Bullying Ad is an Eye-Opener


Hilary Duff and Wanda Sykes Videos from GLSEN and the Ad Council


Because of You and Honest Yearbook


How Challenging That's So Gay Made a School Safer


The Price of Silence


Mrs. Dudley's Class Presents "Bully-Free Zone"










 New Site Collects Reports of Anti-Asian American Sentiment Amid Coronvirus Pandemic




2017 School Climate in Massachusetts 

Who Made the Rainbow Flag?


Go here to learn the history other Flags

  • The American Flag
  • Juneteenth Flag
  • Women's Suffrage Flag
  • Black Eagle Flag


Why Nike Has Ignited So Much Controversy by Using the Betsy Ross Flag?


Class 10 LGBTQIA Virtual Class 20.docx




Class 10 has an Opener, 2 Workshops with Questions to Answer and a Big Idea Closer


Workshop 1: The Impacts of Bullying and Anti-LGBTQIA Bias


Workshop 2: How Do We Make Known A Person's Accomplishments?


Big Idea CloserALL people contribute ideas, inventions and information to our lives



the video explanation of the google doodle





the text about the doodle. 

external image Polybooks.png 


Bullet list 5-6 new facts you did not know before seeing the google doodle and viewing the video.



A new language for learning is what TEAMS teaches--interesting, interactive, mind capturing ways of learning.


Multimodal ways to learn?

Playing games online or in person?

Writing comics, poems, stories

Drawing, illustrating, or making posters or Frayer models?

Filming stop motion animations to illustrate math/story/writing?

Paper airplane folding or juggling for math and physics or to open a tutoring session before doing what is school assigned?


Are any of these part of the tutoring /self-tutoring you are doing to assist learning?

How might you use specific ones of these to enhance experiences tutoring others? 



In the half hour workshop, divided into 15 min. blocks, students will explore topics pitched by site coordinators.


The first half of class offers people to learn about, the second half of class offers events to learn about. They are all live links here:




The Lavender Scare

The AIDS Epidemic in the US and the World

LGBTQIA Civil Rights Movement


LGBTQ Court Cases

The Stonewall Uprising

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Transgender Athletes




Alan Turing, Computer Scientist and Cryptanalyst

Harvey Milk, Gay Civil Rights Leader

Bayard Rustin, Civil Rights and Gay Rights Activist

Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia RiveraTransgender and GayCivil Rights Activists

Sally Ride, First American Woman in Space 

Walt Whitman, Bard of Democracy






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