
Whose History Whose Science Class (redirected from Whose History Whose Science Virtual Class)

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Whose History/Whose Science

 Week 8


Seventh Assignment due Tuesday, April 1 by 4 p.m.





History, as nearly no one seems to know, is not merely something to be read.  And it does not refer merely, or even principally, to the past. On the contrary, the great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do.”


~ James Baldwin 20th century poet, writer, activist, thinker

(quoted in James Baldwin on History,

Perspectives on History,

American Historical Association, August 3, 2016)







Class Opener:  Who Does Science? 



This word CREATES an image in our minds.


1. Draw the image you see in your mind of what a scientist is.

Put a photo of your drawing into your learning log or email it to Sharon. sae@umass.edu



Workshop 1:  WHY Are Women Scientists and Inventors LOST to HISTORY? 

 Logo for WikiProject Women Scientists 


One scientist is changing Wikipedia's lack of information about

WOMEN scientists, inventors, mathematicians and discoverers.


CHOOSE ONE of these two resources:

external image Polybooks.png Read You Can Help Fix Wikipedia's Gender Imbalance - Here's How To Do It




 View the TED talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUpOqdB6RDU


To answer question 2, you the reading resource above -- You Can Help Fix Wikipedia's Gender Imbalance -- is a resource.


2. CREATE a poster, a list of directions, a comic OR infographic explaining in kid friendly words and pictures middle and high school students will understand HOW TO MAKE A WIKI PAGE FOR AN UNKNOWN WOMAN IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING or MATHEMATICS.


  UPLOAD the design or a photo into your learning log or email it to Sharon. sae@umass.edu



Workshop 2: October Celebrates Women in Science and History 


LIVE LINKS take you to Bob's history wiki where MULTIMODAL LEARNING RESOURCES teach about whoever you and your group will introduce next Tuesday in class.





Women’s History/Science March Madness

6 Tutors Research and Present Two Women from Each of the 8 categories

Revolutionary War 

Deborah Sampson and Margaret Corbin, Revolutionary War  Soldiers 


Sybil Ludington and Betsy Dowdy, Revolutionary War Riders


Rosalind Franklin

Barbara McClintock


6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

Bessie Coleman


Clara Barton

Emily & Elizabeth Blackwell

Space Exploration

Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan

Mae Jemison

The Arts

Alice Guy-Blache

Edmonia Lewis


Althea Gibson

Babe Didrikson Zaharias


Nellie Bly


Rachel Carson






3. Create a way to introduce the woman (women) you are publicizing Tuesday highlighting her (their) accomplishments and making her (them) MEMORABLE - a comic, Canva poster, song, a few slides or whatever you choose.


Copy your introduction into your learning log OR email it to Sharon. Thank you! sae@umass.edu 



Big Idea Closer: Scientists, Mathematicians, Inventors, Doers, Discoverers TRY and TRY AGAIN


Science and history are not dates and terms to be memorized. History is stories of THE WORK OF PEOPLE,

many of them WOMEN who DO things through creative thought, bravery, persistence and willingness not to quit


5. How do people with big ideas proceed to make changes to society and to our lives?


   Is their work accomplished without making mistakes or being criticized by others?






Not for the assignment

Resources for Additional Learning


The Woman Who Invented Pediatric Cardiology





Be Bold. Alexis Scott - The Hidden Women of STEM TED TALK






Ethel L. Payne 



The air is
the only place free from prejudice.
Bessie Coleman,
civil aviator
February is Black History Month



Google Doodles teach about women in history who are designers, makers, engineers, scientists, mathematicians, explorers, the FIRST TO DO SOMETHING.






OUR PHONES! Could WE live without these hand held doorways to the world?


How did these inventions come to be? Who is responsible for their development?

The Google Doodle shows history- World War II - and how a musical composer, an actress and player piano paper song rolls made cellular phones in the future possible! AMAZING!


View    Watch Hedy Lamarr Animated Google Doodle


Not for the assignment: Learn more about Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood actress who was also a Scientist and an Inventor





What do you find interesting about the design of this Google Doodle as a way of teaching the hidden history of Hedy Lamarr whose invention SHOULD be known?









If you would like to learn more about Hedy Lamar, Hollywood actress who was also a Scientist and an Inventor





Additional Information about airplanes NOT for the class workshop but for those interested in these resources:



Paper Airplane Designed by Boeing Engineers Breaks World Distance Record (2023)



How Can We Confront and Dismantle Systemic Racism Through Science Learning (2021)


Paper Airplanes from the Exploratorium

Paper Airplanes from NASA



Paper Airplanes Inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2017 



Lesson Plan:  Take Off with Paper Airplanes




Resources for Additional Learning


NOT part of the assignment 




In class we ask each site table to brainstorm names together and write these on the white board, listing as many names as possible in 60 seconds.



Rachel Carson


Ida B. Wells


We will put resources you find for Ethel L. Payne that you would want students to access into a wiki page that we are building for her. 

Please email the resources you use or insert them into your learning log. rwm@umass.edu



 View Microsoft's #MakeWhatsNext Ad


  • STOP  0:09-a question about inventors. 


  • In class we ask each site table to brainstorm names together and write these on the white board, listing as many names as possible in 60 seconds.


  • STOP  0:25-a question about women inventors. 







Multimodal Hidden History Wiki Pages 


Explore one topic in these hidden history multimodal wiki pages that you know little or nothing about. Answer the questions.



  • Immigration History: How many and where were ports of entry located for immigrants arriving in America?  Ports of Entry









Women are scientists, inventors, researchers, explorers, creators and trailblazers--we should know who they are.


 Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, the only woman to have a Navy destroyer named for her, USS Hopper (DDG-70).


HONOLULU (April 15, 2011) The guided-missile destroyer USS Hopper (DDG 70) leaves Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam for an independent deployment. 

Hopper will conduct operations in the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleet areas or responsibility. 

(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jon Dasbach/Released) 110415-N-KT462-199



Harvard Mark I--First computer was 51' long, 8' high, and 8' feet deep 


external image Harvard_Mark_I.jpg 

David Letterman, Late Night TV host, interviews a mathematician, college instructor, author, inventor of a computer language made easy for use by businesses, COBAL, the woman who coined the term, "bug in the system" after finding a an actual moth inside the computer stopping the functioning 


0:08 to 0:33
2:04 to 5:31


external image Polybooks.pngRead a brief description of degrees, honors, attainments throughout Grace Hopper's career.




Not for the assignment--if you would like information,
link to Grace Hopper, Computer Pioneer

Dr. Grace Hopper, Navy officer, mathematician, college instructor, author, inventor of the computer language made for easy use by businesses--COBOL, "common business-oriented language."



Paper Airplane Flights/ What Questions Are You Investigating?




Science is QUESTIONS--NOT ANSWERS. When we find answers, we have more questions.



You will compose questions in this workshop and record your findings after you fold, launch, fly, and relaunch your paper planes a few times.



 View 3 videos by the world's expert on paper plan folding and flying.



Longest Paper Airplane Flight on YouTube


Throwing Paper Airplanes With The World Record Holder 


3 designs-Choose ONE to FOLD & FLY! 




Choose a model paper plane from the video designs to FOLD, LAUNCH AND FLY!


3. Why did you choose the model of paper planes FROM THE VIDEO RESOURCE? What piqued your interest?


4. Write TWO  questions you will investigate or research with the plane's flights. (INVITE A FRIEND TO JOIN.)

Record details of the flight trials explaining what you learned trying to answer your questions.


BRING YOUR PLANE TO CLASS TUESDAYWe are flying those planes!




More Information--NOT for class--for those interested in resources for SELF TUTORING OR TUTORING OTHERS:


Make a Paper Mars Helicopter, a Learning Plan from NASA


Planes with Elaine, California Science Center


Paper Airplanes from the Exploratorium
Paper Airplanes from NASA


Paper Airplanes Inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2017


Lesson Plan:  Take Off with Paper Airplanes



Reflection about Self-Tutoring and Tutoring Others


Are you using mistakes as teachers or ways to assist learning when tutoring others?

If so, how? If not, why not?


Are mistakes assisting your own self-tutoring? How?

Could you be doing what you are doing without mistakes? Please explain.


Have you tried any of the games or resources from TEAMS assignments or weekly classes as learning tools for those you are tutoring or for yourself? 


If so, what did you try and what happened? 


If not, what might you try this week? Describe what you think the resource will do to help learning and why you are choosing it.


Place these paragraphs at the bottom of your weekly assignment. 

Specify in your descriptions vocabulary, tools, behaviors and goals you used in your weekly tutoring.  

In 1-2 paragraphs describing actions and ideas that reflect your learning from the TEAMS classes that you are using to assist students you are tutoring.  


In 1-2 paragraphs describing actions and ideas that reflect your learning from the TEAMS classes that you are using to assist your learning in self tutoring. 





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