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To address the achievement gaps that persist in American schools today, those created by redlining policies and laws set in place by U.S. lawmakers, this week we meet determined people remaking schooling by designing learning achievement for students who do not have the same resources as wealthy communities provide.
These schools serve poor communities in rural places and in cities. The schools' designs meet the students' needs--gaining an education that springboards them to jobs and professions.
Viewing and hearing about these schools, create a poster showing which of these features are included in each one:
Harlem Grown: Community Gardening Across the Street from the School
Edison High School (Fresno, California)https://abc30.com/education/encouraging-kids-to-start-planning-a-career-pathway/94579/
00:00-00:10 01:54-02:40
Monument Valley High School (Navajo ReservationVeterinary Program (Arizona) https://www.pbs.org/video/hands-on-veterinary-program-enriches-navajo-students-1492 VIDEO 00:00-01:55 03:09-04:20
Coral Way Elementary School (Miami, Florida)
https://www.npr.org/2011/10/25/141584947/in-miami-school-aims-for-bi-literate-education AUDIO 00:05-01:53
VIDEO 00:20-1:53
New York Harbor School (New York City) You Should Come to the Harbor School VIDEO 00:00-4:26
Sea Change in Education: New York's Harbor School AUDIO or transcript tells the history of how the school came to be.
Short parts of this video show what has occurred for Louis and for Eric, both children with big dreams at age 7. One child is poor, one is wealthy, but their determination to achieve their goals supported and propelled each of them in their different circumstances.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETR9qrVS17g Adam Ruins Everything History of the Suburbs 6:19
https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/given-internet-access-can-kids-really-learn-anything-by-themselves Sugata Mitra in Harlem (Teams tutors need to be reintroduced to this researcher; they have forgotten seeing him in Digital Connections to Learning.)
Dave Eggers' Pirate School (After School Writing and Homework Center) where Dave Eggers needs introducing w/ his books, the movie, and McSweeney's Quarterly for context.
https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/december-01/ Dec. 1, 1955 is the anniversary of Rosa Parks' decision to defy the Montgomery, Alabama, bus driver's order to change her seat.
Jerry Lawson https://www.google.com/doodles/gerald-jerry-lawsons-82nd-birthday Dec. 1, 1940 is the birthday of one of the fathers of modern gaming and this interactive Google Doodle is both a tribute with behind the doodle information AND a way for students to play games AND program their OWN games!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLQO_RWCOoQ Behind the doodle is what this video explains-- we see Jerry Lawson explaining what he expects new game developers to do.
Jerry Lawson's son and daughter describe growing up w/an inventive dad and how he helped them become engineers in these two NPR stories.
Algebra Project https://theconversation.com/why-expanding-access-to-algebra-is-a-matter-of-civil-rights-231364 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sharecropper
Choice Boards made by TEAMS https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zQ6JIJ38EpA6306M-AeANG3axO5_9WZyhaYRet5vYJ8/edit
Schools Created to Meet What Students' Needs for Success in School and in Life
00:00-00:10 01:54-02:40
00:00-01:55 03:09-04:20
https://www.npr.org/2011/10/25/141584947/in-miami-school-aims-for-bi-literate-education AUDIO 00:05-01:53
VIDEO 00:20-1:53
http://www.newyorkharborschool.org/admission.html#watch 00:00-3:00
Science Genius Hip Hop Rhymes https://www.pbs.org/video/songs-for-biology-students-write-hip-hop-to-learn-science-1371676175/
FULL REPORT: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/hands-high-school-veterinary-program-enriching-navajo-students
Race: The Power of an Illusionhttp://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm
Women in TECH: 10 Names to Know https://www.wired.com/story/10-women-science-tech-household-names/
Video included of 5 women engineers describing how the floor is not level.
Relevant Curriculum
Engineering? 3D printing? LEGO! https://www.wired.com/story/lego-spike-prime/
3 min. video of a model makers' Lego Studio w/article
Additional Resources
Finland's New Plan to Change School Means Combining Subjects
826 Boston/ Afterschool Writing and Publishing Program New York's Harbor School first in Bushwick Brooklyn and relocated to Governers Island
SCHOOL WEBSITE New York Harbor School on Govenors Island
"Chance favors the prepared mind."
--Louis Pasteur,
French chemist, microbiologist, inventor and creator of "pasteurization", maker of modern biology of food purity, medical instrument sterilization, vaccination and our use of antibiotics. It was Pasterur who taught the necessity of hand washing to prevent illness and disease.
"A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever."
--Jessamyn West,
American writer
Told by doctors when she was 32 that she would die young from bilateral tuberculosis, West wrote and lived to age 82.
"Everyone is smart who can open the door to non-stupidity."
--Emily Cutting, age 7, in response to Sharon's question years ago, "Emily, who is smart?"
Singer, voice teacher, businesswoman and the person pictured with Alicia Keyes in Sharon's workshop Tuesday.
"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves." |
Marie Curie, physicist and chemist |
8. Would you display any of these maxims for students to see and discuss? Why? Is there a different maxim that you would display?
Update 9/27/11: "Ohio Gov. John Kasich, going against the unanimous opinion of the Ohio Parole Board, reduced the charges from felony to misdemeanor charges so that Kelley Williams-Bolar would not have a felony record which could block her hoped-for career in education." Christian Science Monitor: A Weekly Review Of Global News & Ideas, vol. 103/ issue 44
4. Knowing that school is where the door opens for future employment and wealth accumulation, what is your feeling about the situation of the mother in the news report? What do you think her options for her children's schools should be?
Newsletter_November+29_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_10d8eab927-e247406aa3-4866430120%;">Poverty ||
Jail Time For Sneaking Kids Into A Better School
Detroit 40 years ago attempted desegregation and the failed effort set forth policies that followed throughout the U.S. Reported 11/19/13
5. Identify ALL the different parties responsible for countermanding the decisions that would have guaranteed implementation of the integration effort. How did each influence the outcome?
6. If Detroit's city schools had been allowed to implement the policy of integration by busing what might be the results of that decision during the past 40 years?
Videos by students & teachers
Find Jay Vavra, Amgen National Science Teacher of the Year
Alphabet Soup: The A-Z of Cell Biology
Black Holes: A Children's Book
New Technology High Schools
New Technology High School: About
Videos by students & teachers
I Am What I Learn: Troy Simon
An Amazing Turnaround, Warren, N.C.
KQED's report for Groundbreaking Schools
Sugata Mitra TED talk:
Jail Time For Sneaking Kids Into A Better School
Apples in America in the 1800s/Science Friday
A Visit To The Doomsday Vault: Scott Pelley Visits One Of The World's Most Unique Banks
A Visit to the Doomsday Vault
Sea Change in Education: New York's Harbor School
We are walking back in time, way way back; picture yourself at age 14. Can you go back to middle school and see yourself at age 14?
Picture yourself in school. Do you see yourself in the building?
Is there a class that you look forward to attending?
Back then, if you had been offered a chance to make a choice, was there another kind of school you wanted to attend at 14? What is it?
Would you have chosen a science school?
This is a true story of a teen in a specific moment of time. It is his story of determination, bravery and problem solving told in a personal memoir.
Determined to Reach March of 1963, Teen Used Thumb and Feet \ Would you listen to the podcast or view the video or do both with students you teach or tutor to consider the history of civil rights in America? Explain what you would do and why. What might your opening question to students be--the question that piques curiosity or opens ideas?
After viewing and/or hearing the resources would you ask students to compose their own question that they would suggest as an opener to this experience the next time you use it? Composing their own questions means they would start at the top of Bloom’s Taxonomy at CREATE and go up and down throughout ALL the levels as they write.
Why do you think this might be important to do for their learning?
Would you and they all compose 6 word sentences about race in America as an activity for this experience?
Culturally relevant curriculum--made law by the California's FAIR Education Act that requires schools to teach information and facts about LGBTQIA contributors, minority groups and women--makes history inclusive, assists diverse students to achieve academically, not drop out, graduate from high school, and pursue post-secondary education if they choose.
Models of people who look like us, who have similar backgrounds to ours, and who contributed to culture and society are important to see in history.
Choose one of the following wiki pages and sketch note its diverse history information.
Ethnic Studies offers a model for today's students to see and build confidence in themselves as being able to do remarkable things.
Can Ethnic Studies Education Change Academic Outcomes for Minority Students?
Read Can Ethnic Studies Education Change Academic Outcomes for Minority Students? |
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